This site has now moved. You can still find the PDFs of my own zine here (FANSCENE) but the main fanzine archive can now be found by pressing the big blue button above.
The new site looks much the same as this one, but has had a bit of a revamp, and now works well over a broader range of devices. Please update your bookmarks to reflect the change of address.
As ever, the aim of the archive is to create a digital repository of the Comics Fanzines published in the UK .
These fan publications contained work by artists and writers who would sometimes move into, and shape , the industry that they loved.
Equally, they contain work by people who simply appreciated the sense of community offered by taking part in fandom, and who may now look back fondly on a hobby no longer followed.
These fanzines were printed in very limited numbers, sometimes as few as 50 copies, and have become quite rare over the years.
I hope to use this site to celebrate these publications, and the people who produced and contributed to them. Please note that the archived zines are read only, and are not available for distribution.
David Hathaway-Price
Please note.
All material presented on this site is intended for educational, non-commercial and non-profit making purposes.
Wherever possible, permission has been obtained from the original editors / publishers to feature their publications.
All work shown remains copyright to the respective authors and artists, and all names and characters are copyright to their respective creators and companies.
This site has been created to celebrate rather than exploit the work created for these fanzines. It is intended for educational use only. If you own the copyright to any work presented here, and you wish it to be removed, please inform me at david.price@post.com
Whilst I make every effort to check and test material at all stages of production, it is strongly recommended that users of this website run an anti-virus program on any material downloaded from it.
I accept no responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss, disruption or damage to any data or computer system which may occur whilst using material derived from this website.
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